EQF Export Quality Fish Ltda.

Colombian ornamental fish
We offer the largest selection of tropical freshwater fish.

We offer ornamental fish of the highest quality from Colombia to the world since 1999; Offering a wide variety of tropical species that are destined to be an exotic pet to our customers. We have worked with clients in Asia, Europe, North and Centre America.

Freshwater Fish

Freshwater Fish

Now we have a new kind of Crenicichla for this season.

fish come from Arauca and Valle del Cauca basins

Our fish also come from Arauca and Valle del Cauca basins. The collecting centers in Orinoco are located in Puerto Inírida, Puerto Carreño and Villavicencio, while for Amazon is Leticia.

collecting centers in Orinoco

We have water storage tanks with 25,000 liters available, to ensure the best quality of the water. We take the time to ensure that our fish have the best conditions to travel.

Responsibility of Ecosystems

We act responsibly, following all regulations stipulated by the competent authorities in the environmental area, in order to not interfere with ecosystems.


We act responsibly, following all regulations stipulated by the competent authorities in the environmental area, in order to not interfere with ecosystems.


We act responsibly, following all regulations stipulated by the competent authorities in the environmental area, in order to not interfere with ecosystems.


Export Quality Fish

EQF - GB aquarium


Latest Photos

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